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02476 377 550

Gas fires

Widney’s leading range of gas fires are designed to meet specific caravan holiday home requirements. Based around a highly efficient three-radiant effect, our products are designed for the rapid warm-up often required in caravan holiday homes.

Widney provides complete integrity of installation; so gas fires supplied to caravan holiday home manufacturers come equipped with additional: flue liner, flue terminals and roof plates.

Operating on Propane/Butane, Widney’s products are designed to meet the latest safety standards. As a result, all products meet the requirements of BS13278 (open-fronted, gas-fired independent space heaters).

The Curvascape Gas Fires Range


Designed to combine traditional gas fire efficiency with a sleek, contemporary style.

The Curvascape range is designed in-line with the latest EU-ECO Design Directive.

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